Is Chimney Repair Necessary?

There was a time when the only thing that could keep someone warm during cold months was the fire. Chimneys and all “stovepipes” take toxic smoke from burning wood away from the living areas.

Do you need to repair your chimney? The answer depends on some critical factors. Do you use your chimney for heat? Does the repair enhance your home’s curb appeal? In some cases, our home’s chimney is more than just an architectural feature. Is chimney repair necessary? Having a Long Island chimney repair company inspect your chimney if you suspect a repair is needed is highly suggested.

Thus, if you live in a place that uses only wood for heat, you’ll need to make sure your chimney (or stove pipe) operates at peak efficiency. Doing otherwise could lead to illness or even death from carbon monoxide (CO2) poisoning.

The Anatomy of a Chimney

When your chimney stops working properly, you’ll know because smoke starts backing up into your living space. At this point, chimney repair is an absolute must to keep you and your family safe. Unfortunately, noticing your chimney malfunction too late could be catastrophic.

Chimneys and stovepipes use the same principles to heat up a living space. These principles should never be ignored! The fireplace or wood stove must have a way to get the toxic smoke to the outside. This is what you see when you look at a house using a fireplace.

Likewise, the fire needs a steady flow of fresh air to support the ongoing wood combustion. The hot air and smoke leave the home via one pipe, fresh air comes in using another pipe. If these are damaged in any way, they’ll need to be repaired.

Call for a Repair

If you think you need your chimney repaired, don’t hesitate. Even small amounts of CO2 in your home can be dangerous.